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Rediscovering Identity: The Impact of Ancestral DNA Test Results on My Perception of the Name Dupre

Family name Dupre

Receiving my iGENEA DNA test results was a turning point. It provided an unanticipated lens into my past, connecting me with my ancestors' surname, Dupre. This journey of self-discovery has not just been enlightening and interesting but significantly altered my understanding of my identity and lineage.

N. Dupre

Ever since I received my iGENEA DNA test results, my perspective on personal identity and heritage has significantly evolved. Suddenly, a simple swab of saliva gave me access to a treasure trove of ancestral lineage linking me with the surname Dupre. A name that up until now, I found common and even nondescript, carried an unexplored world of history and heritage that opened up before me. Peeling back these layers revealed an exciting and vibrant lineage silently, yet visibly, interwoven into my identity. However, this exploration was not without its complexities and has significantly changed my perception of self, heredity, and ancestry.

N. Dupre

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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